People may smile around me
And say or nod hello--
I may, at times, claim I know "me,"
But in the coldness, in the void--
No one else does but You.
Deep inside my being--
The very parches of my soul,
When I am frail and doubtful
You know, you know what's going on.
In the sea of loving faces,
How do I say I feel alone?
Reign over me
Let me shut out all the noise
Stop me from hanging by a moment,
Allow me to watch the time to go by
without a care in this world--
Liberate me.
Reign over me
Let the music seep in and reverberate in me;
To dance and sing and praise,
Unaffected by what others may think;
In the silence, I will listen only to your voice--
Pacify me.

Reign over me
As I gape up at the heavens
in wonder at all the stars in place
What is there beyond?
What have you laid out for us all?
Wash me--
Let the torrents and torrents flow down my face.
And with these tears,
Make me one with the sufferings of the Earth.
Reign over me
Lavish and bathe me in sunshine,
So I may know its warmth
And Love, in all its glory, bask in it.

Reign over me
Let me hear the laughter
resonate the hollowed corners,
Watch the walls crumble at my feet,
Hold on to nothing, live by Faith.
Reign over me
Let me make this right,
Surrender all my battles,
And begin to see Life for what it REALLY is.
And know what it's WORTH.
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